Performed Projects: Credit - Financial Institutions
The Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg Branch (Saint-Petersburg)
The Technical Holding has performed the design, assembly, commissioning and start – up of the guaranteed and uninterruptible power supply systems in the buildings of the Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, including the systems of heat supply and monitoring.
TH has also performed the design of the equipment, its procurement, installation and start – up works of the power generating plant, which consists of automatically controlled boiler house, based on LOOS 3 gas boilers, automatically controlled standby power plant, based on 2 diesel generator sets with the total power output of 980 kVA, liquid fuel storage tank, basic distributing switchboard, 3 automatically controlled heat centers, the high voltage substation of 2500 kVA and uninterruptible power supply system of 1000 kVA total power.
The monitoring system includes the following engineering systems:
power supply system;
guaranteed power supply system;
uninterruptible power supply system,
the equipment for gas boiler house and heat centers;
the equipment for cold water supply system;
ventilation and conditioning equipment
Cash Settlement Centre (CSC) «Yuzhny» of Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Saint- Petersburg).
«Electrosystems» TH has performed the uninterruptible, guaranteed power supply plant of 2,1 MVA total power output, this plant includes 4 UPSs of Powerware Plus 400 kVA, which operate in pairs by Parallel Redundancy scheme, and diesel generator set of 2,1 MVA, that consists of 3 parallel connected diesel generator sets by F.G. Wilson (2x800 kVA and 500 kVA).
Peripheral systems are based on the interruptible power supply unit of Powerware with several power output lines for 250, 130, 65, 18 kVA and UPSs of lower power;
The complex is the largest functional system of uninterruptible power supply, installed on the enterprise premises, available on the territory of the Russian Federation;
The system of monitoring and remote control has been developed and implemented;
The main feature of this complex plant is the structural “flexibility”, that provides the opportunity for the staff to change its configuration, perform the scheduled maintenance and repair without any breaks of power supply loads.
The Headquarters of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Rostov - on - Don)
TH has performed the design, assembly, commissioning and start – up of the power supply standby complex, based on 2 diesel generator sets by F.G. Wilson with P250F (250kVA) power output and one diesel generator set of P90 (90kVA) power output, placed in the special weatherproof containers. The complex has the smart system of the remote control for diesel generator sets and automatic devices of weatherproof containers.